Bootable containers on the Raspberry Pi 4

After moving my home server to fedora-bootc, and gitting a really nice git workflow in place, I remembered that I have this Raspberry Pi 4 sitting around collecting dust. This was a really nice system that I bought to run Octopi to manage my two Prusa Mini printers. Now that I’ve upgraded to the MK4, I don’t feel the need to use Octoprint any more. …but having a useful aarch container host on the network *is* appealing to me especially since I do a decent amount of container work on my M3 Mac using Podman Desktop. Fortunately, it’s pretty simple to get fedora-bootc working great on the Pi4. So grab your RPi, blow the dust off, and get ready to get some value out of it.

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Rebuilding Container Images with systemd timers & podman

In general, it’s considered a best practice when running containers to ensure that the images are being rebuilt on a regular basis to pickup security/bug fixes. In a real production environment, it’s common to use something like jenkins, github actions, or some type of automation or CI/CD workflow to keep the images fresh. ….but here at my house, I only have a single server that runs containers and my use case doesn’t really warrant a more serious CI/CD setup. This blog will show you how to setup a simple “perpetual motion” machine to automatically rebuild container images and then auto-update them. It’s also pretty easy to setup and works great too!

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Using cgroup v2 w/ Containers on Fedora Silverblue

I’ve been really interested in the potential behind the unified cgroup hierarchy, aka cgroup v2, in the kernel for a while now. I even helped out with a talk on this subject earlier this year. It’s worth listening to Tejun’s part of the talk if you’re not familiar with the value behind v2. While a lot of user space, for example systemd, has really solid support for v2, there have been historic gaps around virt and containers. On the virt side, initial v2 support went into libvirt 4.9 or 5.0, and it’s continuing to be improved. For containers, we’re tracking the OCI progress here and here, and Giuseppe Scrivano has done some great v2 enablement with an alternative runtime he wrote called crun. crun is basically runc re-written in C, and while there are pros and cons on the language side, it’s ridiculously fast at instantiating containers compared to runc.

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